"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." - Hans Christian Andersen

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Amerah's new room

So... while Amerah was away at 5th grade camp.... Dave and I kept ourselves busy redecorating her room... well mostly Dave hahaha... I make an awesome supervisor though!

Amerah got most of the stuff for her new room at Christmas time but it had stayed in the family room until we could put it all together.  Dave and I decided that camp week would be the best time to get it done.

The following are the "BEFORE" photos... ahh Tinkerbell... I did NOT design this room, it predates me.
And VOILA!  The NEW room!  (Amerah picked out the pattern and color scheme... I designed it... Dave did all the grunt work :-)
There are still a few finishing touches that need doing... The valance was no where near long enough (it came in a set with the comforter) so I need to order a second... Because of the tabs on the valance I need to buy a decorative black curtain rod... and the peace sign rug is too small... I am going to put it over by the bookcase and buy a large, soft, shaggy, black rug that I saw for the main floor area.

I'm also pretty proud of the letters on the wall... I made them in just a couple hours... the night before she was due home...

She was ecstatic!  We definitely had one VERY happy camper!


  1. WOW!!!!! That looks amazing!!! I bet she was so happy. You guys did a great job! What great parents you are!! You always do things to make her feel special. I love often you blog. I need to be better at it!

    1. Thanks! She was pretty happy with the transformation (she was very ready to let go of Tinkerbell haha).

      you just blog in spurts Jenny lol... nothing for a while and then wham! 20 in a row :-) I love going online and seeing a bajillion posts from you! I've been doing that more often myself.
