"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." - Hans Christian Andersen

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Girls' Night!

When the conditions are right:

1.  Amerah does NOT have school the next day.
2.  Dave is at work.
3.  We do not have anything pressing that HAS to get done.

Amerah and I like to indulge in what we call "Girls' Night."  Girls' Night is when she and I hang out, usually at the dining room table, and do "girl" stuff that Daddy wouldn't want to do anyway.  We easily ignore Shawn's presence in the house, since he's usually in the family room on his computer, not intruding on our girly festivities.

This is how Amerah feels about Girls' Night:

Note the monkey snuggie LOL

Girls' Night activities usually involve crafts.  Amerah is a die hard crafter, everything she sees (and I mean everything) has the potential to end up in one of her creations.  Dave and I are quite used to hearing her say "Wait!  I can USE that!"  We are SO used to hearing that phrase that our trash disposal technique has become quite secretive... we wait until she leaves the room and then it's "Quick!  Throw this away before she comes back!"

Among other things, past projects have included making sun catchers (thank you Mom!) and plastic bowls (thank you Ed and Lindy!).  I am including some photos of the bowl making since I wasn't blogging at that time.

Tonight we munched on homemade nachos and made sock puppets from a kit that my mother sent. 

I made a girl 

and a clown (of sorts) 

Amerah made a rabbit wearing a shirt 

and super baby (who is sporting a moustache LOL)

I'll let them speak for themselves...

In other news...

Due to Flopsy's extreme hoppiness, her feedings have gone from this:

To this:

I would be worried that she isn't very frightened of me if it weren't for the fact that she's terrified of everyone BUT me.  I put the camera inside the cage to try to get a good photo of her and she was a little too curious about it... this is what came of her photo shoot...

Finally I got one decent photo!

Good night all!  I'm sure I'll be writing again soon.  Tomorrow night I am watching my friends 3 week old twins... overnight... so it may be a couple days :-)


  1. That bunny puppet is fabulous. Just so you know.

  2. I'll tell Amerah you said that, she worked VERY hard on it :-)
