"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." - Hans Christian Andersen

Thursday, August 11, 2011

One of those days...

Ever have one of those days that make you want to run away to a deserted island?  A day where you want to duct tape your kid's mouth shut and sell her to the gypsies?  For me, that was today!

Today marks three weeks since I slipped on the tile and fell, twisting my leg at a crazy angle and landing on it... three weeks ago today I took my first real ambulance ride, strapped to a gurney and followed that up with two days and nights in the hospital.

Have I ever mentioned that I am impatient?  It's true.  I admit it.  My doctor told me to expect healing to take 4-6 weeks, and if I'm honest, I'm in a LOT less pain than I was three weeks ago. Most of the time I can make it short distances without the walker.  Today I was hurting even less, so I took a trip to the backyard and sat out there with Lily, watching Amerah play with her friends over the fence behind us.

Poor Lily wanted so badly to play with the kids.  She spent a fair amount of time just watching them wistfully.

I eagerly tasted a leaf of my beautiful, leafy lettuce growing in a pot on the patio and was disgusted to discover that during my three weeks of recuperation it had turned quite bitter!

I was further disheartened to see that my cilantro was well beyond it's prime and no longer suitable for making pico de gallo.

As if that weren't enough, my strawberry plant is stubbornly refusing to bear strawberries.

The only bright spots were my chives which were growing beautifully and tasted yummy.

Having successfully spent a couple hours outside, depressed by my garden's mutiny, I took it a step further and prepared dinner (which I haven't done since my fall).  Because I am, above all things, an overachiever... I decided to top off dinner by making brownies...

So yeah, now I'm paying for it.  Groan.  Whine. Complain.  Sigh.

On the up side... Flopsy is still hoppy and happy and fat and sassy... Lily has had her fill of playing with Daddy and is calmly dozing by the front door... Amerah is sound asleep, silently (for once today) curled up in her bed...  and my wonderful husband is washing the dinner dishes and cleaning up the kitchen... I guess today isn't really that awful... oh wait... it's tomorrow already :-)

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