"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." - Hans Christian Andersen

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lexi's Bouncy Birthday

October 8th was a busy day!  In the afternoon, Amerah and I headed over to a bouncy place (yes that is it's official name until I can remember what the owners named it) for Lexi's birthday.  Alexis turned 10 on October 11, 2011.  In the evening we went to a joint family party to celebrate both Alexis' birthday and Jimmy's birthday (Jimmy turned 12 on Sept. 30th), but after uploading all of Alexis' pictures I decided to give the second party its' own blog!  All in all a fun, tiring day!  I thought I'd post some pics for the family to enjoy and also for those of my friends who haven't seen the kids in a long time, my how they have grown!

Bouncy place fun...

Alexis Schultz, the birthday princess...

Alexis and her friends had a lot of fun...
Even the boys who thought they were too cool for a little girls party (cough cough Jimmy...) had fun!
The following photo is included because it was just too cute... a little girl who's daddy was tickling her and she was laughing like crazy!
These are included just because this kid was so stinkin' cute!
And this is Amerah pretending to frown because I was taking a picture...
Then it was on to cake and ice cream...
 and presents!


  1. You are pretty much THE QUEEN of birthday parties, it seems. Looks like loads of fun! Love all the kiddo pics!

  2. Thanks! Yeah, between myself and my 1st cousins there are only three kids in the family, Amerah, Jimmy, and Alexis... and their birthdays are all right in a row so we get all birthdayed out in Sept/October.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing<3 <3 <3

  4. Thanks anonymous whoever you are lol :-)
