"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." - Hans Christian Andersen

Monday, October 17, 2011

Party at the YMCA... climb and slime!

Okay so I'm a little behind on some things... I'm blaming it on the fact that our upstairs computer died and I had to wait for a new hard drive before I could download photos off of my camera.  I'm ignoring the fact that we have another computer downstairs and Dave and I each have a laptop... It's just easier to download photos on the upstairs computer.

On September 24th we had a kids party, for Amerah's birthday, at the YMCA in Southgate, Michigan.  I've come to the conclusion that it was the best party yet!  The idea came to me while I was searching for party venues.  Lack of parking and my leg issues ruled out having a party here at the house, so I was looking for someplace fun.  I stumbled across a random post by someone who said that their kid had a party at the YMCA and that they LOVED it... from then on I couldn't get the song out of my head! 

My cousin, Sunshine, is a member at the Southgate YMCA so she made some inquiries for me and we got a great deal because of her membership.  Amerah was thrilled and the kids all seemed to really enjoy it.
She is currently into anything with a peace sign on it or zebra print so Sandy got her a pull apart peace sign cake.  It was actually a bunch of cupcakes... we have since learned that we won't do THAT again!  There were humongous globs of frosting in between all of the cupcakes and it was very gooey and messy.

The birthday girl looooved her party...
Don't ask.  I have no idea why she insists on sticking out her tongue for photos.
Blowing out the candles....
With her friends, opening presents...
Then on to the activities!  First up was SLIME!  The kids made and played with not one, not two, but THREE different kinds of slime!  They had a blast!
Daddy didn't care for the slime himself... and all he did was touch it with his fingers... haha
And then it was on to the gym!  All of the kids tried climbing the wall, some little monkeys were more successful at scaling the wall than others, but they all gave it their best shot.  I was pleased to see the determination it brought out in them, those that didn't make it to the top the first time, kept trying. 
Amerah... unfortunately, when she reached the top, she didn't hold still long enough and the photo is blurry!
Nora... (Nora was the first to scale the wall, impressing us by using mostly her arms instead of her both arms and feet!  She would have sat on TOP of the wall if the guy in charge hadn't called her down!)
All in all the kids had fun, I didn't have to clean up, and it was an all around good time had by all!  Even my brother-in-law, Keith... I think the kids wore him out... hahaha

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