"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." - Hans Christian Andersen

Monday, October 10, 2011

she seeks sea shells... at Erie metropark...

Last weekend we took a little drive, just Dave, Amerah, Lily, and me...  I was anxious to get out of the house so we thought that we would go to the apple orchard.  I knew that I wouldn't be able to go apple picking due to my super irritating ongoing leg issues, but I thought that maybe Dave and Amerah could pick apples while I stayed back at a picnic table with Lily. 

Alas we didn't even stop.  Once we saw how absolutely, horrendously, ridiculously CROWDED Apple Charlie's was, we drove right past.  We ended up driving down to Erie Metropark so that I could sit at a picnic table there and Amerah could hunt shells on the lake shore. 
 It was chilly and windy but enjoyable nonetheless.

Lily was super excited just to be going ANYWHERE with us!  Dave took her around to see everything...
Dave and Amerah found LOTS of caterpillars... looks like this may be a good place to come to see butterflies!
I got some fun shots of Dave with his girls...

By the time we left the park, it was evening, so we thought that we'd drive by Apple Charlie's again to see if the crowd had thinned out.  We were excited to see that it was MUCH less crowded so we stopped.  We didn't pick any apples because all they had left for the day were Red Delicious (blech!), but I sat at a picnic table with Lily and Dave took Amerah to look at the animals and get some cider and donuts.

While there we were treated to a beautiful rainbow (it's hard to see in the photo but it was actually a double rainbow).
 It's easy to see that Amerah is OUR pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!
Finally, as if mother nature hadn't already blessed us with a beautiful rainbow, we were treated to the most beautiful sunset which started out as THIS:
And ended as THIS:
Isn't that spectacular! 

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