"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." - Hans Christian Andersen

Thursday, September 1, 2011

This and that...

So it's been about a week since I wrote anything... see folks, I TOLD you that the novelty would wear off eventually! 

This week has not been very eventful, unless you count the nasty case of cabin fever I came down with in the last few days!  Amerah starts school on September 6th and her birthday is September 11th, so I have been making plans for both as best I can from my comfy seat in the Lazy Boy. 

Lily turned the couch into her own personal Lazy Boy...

I had my first appointment with physical therapy on Monday.  It went well, I didn't feel too sore afterward so I talked Dave into taking me grocery shopping at Walmart for the first time since I fell, thinking that I'd be okay just riding around in one of those old lady carts.  Not the brightest idea I've ever had.  I was able to get some things that I needed to buy for Amerah, and Dave learned that grocery lists are meant to be read BETWEEN the lines :-) ... but BOY DID I HURT!  I came home and spent the rest of the day hurting.  Dang it.

As for the rest of the week...

Amerah and I played with playdough...

She made a Rubik's Cube for Shawn:

and Ice cream that she pretended to eat...

I made a girl that Amerah insists looks EXACTLY like her :-)

I finished my supermom project: making a "Back to School" banner to hang on the mantle... and I must say that it looks super cute ON the mantle... too bad it doesn't show up well in photos.

So here are some close ups...

In preparation for the start of a new school year, I've also been working on getting both Amerah and I to bed earlier and up earlier.  That's been going fairly well until tonight :-(  It's even worked for Dave (I'm sure that his willingness to go to bed early had nothing at all to do with the fact that he's had early morning report times for work lol).  So, it is currently 1:27 AM.  Dave is snoring away in our bedroom.  Amerah is sprawled out, sound asleep in her bed.  I am wide awake and writing a blog.  Sigh. 

Perhaps it is the insane amount of crap that is racing around inside my brain.  I am getting frustrated with my limitations.  I hate being cooped up in the house all the time.  I hate hurting all the time.  I hate not being able to do half the things I used to do.  I'm worried about Amerah's birthday party and everything I need to do for that.  I'm worried about Dave's blood pressure which is way too high right now (I have to call the doctor in the morning).  I'm worried about Flopsy and the fact that she is at least 5 weeks old now and showing absolutely no signs of wanting to be weaned (even though she is eating grass like crazy and drinking water).  I'm worried about releasing her, even though I know that it's best for her, I worry that she won't acclimate right away and that she will be terrified out on her own.

Like I said.  Too much on the brain right now.  I guess I'd better try to sleep again.  Physical therapy again in the morning.  Good night moon.

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