"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." - Hans Christian Andersen

Monday, September 19, 2011

this, that, and the other thing

I've had one of those weeks... yep, just one of those weeks. 
We released little bunny Foo Foo into the wild.  I had mixed feelings about it since I'd been feeding her from an syringe since she was a week old.  It was hard to let go however it was for her own good.  Everything I read insisted that wild rabbits don't make good pets.  I saw that with my own eyes, even though she still wanted formula (at least 2 weeks after she should have been weaned), she was more than capable of feeding herself.  She was also getting agitated and bouncing around the cage like crazy.  Not to mention that she was terrified of everyone but me.

I agonized over where to release her.  Our backyard was out of the question because of Lily.  The woods across the street harbored too many other critters that I worried might eat her plus it was too close to a street.  We decided to release her out at Kensington State park.  I chose Kensington because of it's great nature trails, especially the one that Dave christened "the bunny trail" because he always saw rabbits there. 

It took us 45 minutes to get there, Lily went along for the ride...

These photos really don't show how excited she was to go for a ride :-)  It was only after a while in the car that she decided to take a nap.

Dave released her near a pond with lots of thick brush for her to hide in and Flopsy hopped away without a backward glance.  I worry about her.  I miss her.  Sigh.

As for the rest of the week...

I should be feeling grateful that I am doing so much better than I was right after I fell.  Instead of gratitude I've been cantankerous.  Yep that's the word for it.  The pain and swelling that I still have, combined with my inability to do 75% of the things that I NEED to do and even WANT to do have made me grumpy and irritable. 

School has been in session for 2 weeks now and, despite having an extra half hour to get ready, it still seems to take Amerah every last minute to get ready (with me prodding her every step of the way).  Although I don't mind the later mornings so much, I'd gladly take the earlier shift back so that she could get out earlier.  The later dismissal time has played havoc with our schedule, leaving the poor kid time for nothing more than homework, dinner, bath and bed (we're really stretching it on Tuesdays and Thursdays when she goes to karate).  So the end result has been ATTITUDE.  Buckets and crates and barrels of attitude. 

If you add Amerah's attitude to my irritability... well not so much fun.

On the upside, I'm thinking of putting together a calendar of sexy men... :-) In it I would include the following photos... boy did Lily and I enjoy watching him... ;-)
As you can see... Lily enjoyed the show just as much as I did :-)
Now I just need photos of men doing dishes... vacuuming... well you get the picture ;-)

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