"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." - Hans Christian Andersen

Friday, August 12, 2011


Today was a trying day.  This morning Flopsy escaped from my hands as I was feeding her.  Luckily Amerah was here!  We closed the door to the office and Amerah spent 20 minutes trying to catch her.  Twenty minutes during which we were SUPPOSED to be getting ready to take Shawn to a doctor's appointment. 

On the way out the door, Lily begged to come with us and since Amerah and I were planning to stay in the car while Shawn went in for, what was supposed to be, a very brief appointment, I agreed to take her.  Shawn's brief appointment lasted an hour and a half.  Lily and Amerah tried to out do each other as to who could be the most obnoxious.  Amerah won.  It helps if I picture her like this:

Cute.  Smiling.  Unable to speak...

You may have noticed that I haven't mentioned Dave yet.  He was at work.  Yes, I tried to drive for the first time since I got out of the hospital three weeks ago.  It didn't go as well as I planned.  Shawn had to help me out of the car when we arrived back home.  Lesson learned.  So when the doctor says 4 to 6 weeks recovery time, she isn't secretly telling me that I'll be completely healed in 3 weeks.  Hmmm... Good to know.  Gotta stop reading between the lines like that...  I hurt now.  A lot. 

My good friend took Amerah shopping at the mall (with a gift card I had on hand) to buy some school clothes, since I am still not able to shop. 

In the evening, Dave's ex-girlfriend's 17 year old daughter payed us a visit.  I liked her.  She seems like a sweet girl.  Too bad her mother threw a gigantic hissy fit when she discovered that she had come over.  Oh well. 

So now I am sitting in a quiet house.  Finally.  Amerah is spending the night at her cousin's house, Dave is back at work, Lily is downstairs with Shawn, and the bunny  has been fed (inside her cage this time, I'm not taking any more chances)...  My leg has swollen to about the size of Montana and I'm about to go prop it up in my bed...  Here's hoping tomorrow will not be so much of a challenge.


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