"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." - Hans Christian Andersen

Friday, August 19, 2011

Babies in the house...

I've recovered... I think!  Last night I watched my friend Kim's three week old twins... overnight...  Amerah and I LOOOOOOVE babies, so when Kim called to ask if we could keep them overnight, Amerah bounced excitedly on the couch chanting "YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!"  Well little Miss Amerah definitely got to experience having babies in the house!  Itty bitty Billy and Kaylee arrived about 7:30 pm Wednesday evening and stayed until sometime after 4 pm Thursday afternoon. 

 One baby is a handful.  Two babies are two handfuls.  Two babies + a nine month old golden retriever + a baby bunny who is still on formula is insanity. 

Thank heavens Dave was home for half of it!  

Dave proved that he has not lost his baby holding abilities in the last 10 years and even managed to find a comfy positition for little Kaylee while he watched television...


Dave was home until 4 am (when he had to leave for work) and then Amerah climbed into bed with me to help if needed.  Fortunately I was able to handle them on my own all night, they were very considerate tykes and took turns waking up for diaper changes and feedings, sleeping peacefully, if noisily, inbetween.  Amerah learned quickly that babies are noisy sleepers :-) Like myself, Amerah woke up almost every time they grunted or cooed.  Poor kid would bolt upright in bed and I would have to say "they're okay, go back to sleep."  She always looked half dazed and promptly fell asleep again. 


Amerah was an excellent helper with the babies, she is going to be an amazing big sister!  She never tired of holding them, even if she wasn't always sure exactly how to soothe them and her poor arms tired after a while.  She ran endless errands for me and loved on those babies like she'd never seen a baby before!

Amerah told Kim and Denise that we were going to be keeping the babies so apparently nearly 21 hours was not enough to cure her infatuation with the little people.

It still makes me smile to think that one year ago, when Dave and I married, Amerah was insistent that she did NOT want a baby brother or sister and now she is begging for one of each!  Hopefully we'll be able to indulge her wishes in the not too distant future.


As for the other members of our household...  The strange sounds that the babies made terrified Flopsy and caused the Guinea Pigs to squeak curiously.

Comfortable in her position as "Mamma's Baby," Lily was extremely curious about these new little "puppies" who were taking up her people's attention.  She sniffed them interestedly, licked their toes (not a new habit, toe licking is one of Lily's favorite activities), attempted to snatch Kaylee's pacifier (or as Amerah calls it, her sucky), and then went to one of her favorite lazy spots and lay down.

After her initial inspection of the twins, Lily ignored them except when they started to fuss.  Fussing, or crying, prompted quite a bit of anxious canine inquiry, Lily would hurry over to the unhappy infant, lick their toes and hands, and look at me like "DO SOMETHING!"  One time, before I could stop her, Lily's big old floppy tongue swiped poor Kaylee up her whole face!  It did stop her crying though haha, Kaylee got a big old frown on her face, wrinkled brow and everything as she tried to figure out if she was getting a bath or what!  (Yes I did re wash the baby parts that Lily washed).

Dave arrived home not long before Kim and her mom Denise arrived to pick up the babies.  Once the babies were on their way home and Dave took Amerah to karate and to her cousin's house to spend a couple nights, I sat down in the Lazy Boy for the first time that day and promptly fell asleep!

End verdict:  We're tired... but we still love babies :-) Even when it looks like they're flipping us off!


  1. Ha Ha! Nice ending picture! They look so cute! You are such a great friend to take twins overnight!!! Wow! Maybe I need to move back ;)Amerah looks like a great help!

  2. Thanks Mel! Jen - Amerah LOOOOOOVES babies and toddlers! She is a big help! I keep having to remind people that she's only 9 and therefore still has to be watched because she isn't quite mature enough to be on her own with them! She still doesn't quite have the foresight to see what might be just a little too dangerous for a little kid... lol
