"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." - Hans Christian Andersen

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday Monday...

Boy was today a Monday!  Monday arrived right on schedule and hastened to disrupt my carefully laid plans. 

Yesterday Amerah came home with an itchy little rash on her belly and her back.  She had spent the night with her mom, at her cousin's house, and Dave and I thought they looked like bug bites or maybe something plant related...
Not great pics, I only took one photo that didn't turn out fuzzy! 

So I put her to bed with some Benadryl smeared all over her spots for the itching, thinking that that should take care of it.  No such luck... This is what we woke up to this morning...
This is a blurry photo of her ankle and foot.  Both feet were completely covered in red splotches!  Finally the only clear photo :-)
Since the other photos are a bit blurry, you can picture these spots all up her calves, on her feet, her back, her belly, and on her shoulder... with a few random spots on her other arm, one on her temple, and a couple on her neck. 

So, like any responsible parent, who had absolutely no clue what this could be, I kept her home from school and took her to the doctor.  This meant that I had to cancel all of my plans for the day because I didn't know whether or not it was something contagious and I didn't want to expose anyone to it if it was.

The verdict was good... no communicable diseases in our house at least.  The doc thinks it's a severe allergic reaction to something she came into contact with while she was with her mom.  Heaven only knows WHAT!  It's impossible to tell what caused it without having a sample to test on her.  So now the poor kid has two prescriptions, one for the itching, the other a heavy duty drug to knock out the allergic reaction.  I asked why the Benadryl didn't work if it was an allergy and the doctor said that she thought it was because it was so severe a piddly little over-the-counter topical cream was no match for it.  She said some allergic reactions require internal medication. 

Good news is that she's good to go back to school tomorrow and has a note from the doctor to prove it... bad news is that I have to reschedule appointments.  Thank heavens it wasn't anything contagious!

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